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3 Car Parts To Recycle

Cars are made with many valuable parts and pieces. Glass, metal, and rubber can be removed from an old, non-functioning car, and be transformed into something useful. Glass can be melted and repurposed, metal can be recycled to create new cars and parts, and tires can be shredded for rubber pieces for playgrounds. There is so much to be reused and recycled in a car. 


Old car batteries in the United States are actually used to create new batteries. Local auto-parts stores and junkyards have programs in place to buy back your old car batteries; the more batteries you bring to them, the higher the payment you will receive for them. 

Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters are made with a metal called platinum. This substance is a highly coveted one, and worth a bit of money. However, the platinum is woven throughout the converter in order for it to function properly, meaning that a reputable recycling company is needed in order to extract the platinum into a useable substance. 

If you are a used car dealer, auto mechanic, or automobile junkyard owner, it may be worth it for you to make a contract with some reputable scrap catalytic converter buyers. Oftentimes, buyers will come to you, and if you have a large number of catalytic converters, you can perhaps go directly to a buyer to score a better deal for your catalytic converters. 

Motor Oil

Recycling your motor oil is one of the best things that you can do for the environment. Auto shops that offer oil changes are happy to take used car oil off your hands. Old oil is synthesized to create new oil.

An old car is full of useful parts and pieces that can be transformed into something new. Recycling pieces of an old car will lead to a better environment as well as earn a bit of cash to spend. 


Photo by Daniel @ on Unsplash

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