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Simple Kitchen Storage Ideas

Whether you have a small, compact kitchen or a large, spacious one, you probably don't have enough storage. Kitchen essentials take up a lot of space, and it's often hard to find a spot for everything you need. Take a look at some simple, inexpensive ideas that can increase your kitchen storage.

Open Shelving

Open shelving is a great way to increase kitchen storage. It doesn't take up too much floor space and it adds visual height to the room. There's a variety of open shelving units that come in many sizes, shapes and finishes, so look for types that complement your kitchen's style and décor.

  • Bookcases - Bookcases come in many widths, depths and heights with fixed and movable shelving. Movable shelves work best for various size kitchen items like pots and pan, baking goods and cookbooks.
  • Etageres - Etageres and bakers' racks look great in any style kitchen. For contemporary style, choose one in modern stainless steel. For a more traditional look, find an antique etagere or baker's rack in wrought iron that will showcase your antique china or tea set.

Elegant Antiques

  • Armoires - Typically, armoires are used in bedrooms for storing clothes, shoes and electronics, but an antique armoire in a rich wood finish or a colorful paint can add elegant style and extra storage to your kitchen. Available in various sizes, armoires come with solid and glass doors, door and drawer combinations, and different interior components.
  • China Cabinets - Although china cabinets are usually found in the dining room, there's no reason you can't put one in your kitchen if it's the right size. Many china cabinets have slotted shelves for dishes, drawers for linens and utensils, and built in lighting for beautiful ambiance.

Hanging Storage

  • Pot Racks - Since pot racks usually hang over or near the stove, they're easy to use and convenient for cooking. They free up your cabinet space for other kitchen items and create a visual display for fine cookware. Pot racks come in beautiful finishes like brass, bronze, copper and stainless steel.
  • Pegboard - If you have some open kitchen wall space, a sheet of pegboard attached to the wall will provide hanging storage for a variety of items. Using pegboard hooks, you can hang cups, utensils, linens, spice racks, and small pots and pans. You can leave the pegboard a natural finish or paint it a color that complements your kitchen.

For more kitchen storage ideas, get contractors today who can help you plan your perfect kitchen renovation.


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