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Join the Wireless World

As competition heats up in the wireless phone market several standard operators are beginning to shift long-adopted policies in an effort to join the fray. Verizon Wireless, long the nation’s standard-bearer for quality wireless cell phone service, has recently announced that it is offering wireless service at $45 per month per line for up to 4 cell phone lines. If you consider as a standard a two-person household with a cell phone for each person, one desktop or laptop computer and a wireless printer, then this will mean a total of $180 per month (before taxes). And this new package offers unlimited data usage without a contract requirement. Since Groupon offers a number of discounts for Verizon customers - including a buy-back arrangement of up to $600+ dollars for customers who are seeking to switch from other contracts - this represents a great opportunity. A wireless user can now link up with one of the nation’s finest wireless service providers and take advantage of reliable service at an affordable rate.

Many small businesses have been constrained by the contractual and data requirements that have come with wireless firms in the past. Verizon’s new program eliminates that restriction and makes it easier for the private business operator to establish service with a firm that is sensitive to the need for quality reliable service. Verizon has a sterling reputation for its level of service quality and the range of service. Their call transmission and reception has been well recognized as a key factor in the trend towards "cell phone only" households; and even today many smaller businesses are following this pattern. And Verizon is sensitive to the service requirements of private business. They go out of their way to assure the best possible quality service.

The Groupon now offered also gives a new customer the opportunity to acquire new smart phones made by various recognized producers like Apple, Samsung and Motorola at great prices when you sign up for Verizon service. You will benefit from taking the time to consider the deals offered and the possibility of joining the Verizon family of customers and clients. You can be certain of receiving the best caliber of cell phone service currently available at sensible prices.


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