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How Can You Find a Good Web Designer?

Web designers are a dime a dozen these days. This particular industry has exploded because of the number of people who want to start their own online businesses. You might fall into this category. If this is the case, you will need to be totally positive that the person or company that you eventually hire to design your site is very good. Many online businesses have met their demise because their web designer did work that was substandard. Obviously, you do not want the same thing to happen to you. Here are some of the key things that you need to look for as you hunt for someone to design your site.

1. Has the person or company been doing web design for a significant period of time?

It goes without saying that you want to avoid hiring someone who is new to the web design profession. You do not want to have a person get his or her training as they are designing your online business site. Experience is essential when you are looking for a web designer. Be aware that some people will lie about their amount of experience. Therefore, you must verify everything they tell you. Ideally, you should never hire a web designer who has been doing it for less than four years. However, you should not only look at the professionals who do web design on a full-time basis. You might be surprised how deep the talent pool is for web designers. There are many college kids who like to make a few bucks in their spare time working as web designers. Pay a visit to your local colleges and see if you can track down any of these talented individuals.

2. Take a close look at some of the sites that have been created by any web designer you are thinking about hiring.

It goes without saying that you will need to see what you will be getting for your money if you decide to hire a particular web designer. The only way to do this with any certainty is to carefully examine several of the sites that he or she has previously designed. Play around with these sites and test their functionality. Ask yourself if you would like to have your site designed by this person. You will also need to hire a company that provides call center services before you launch your online business.

3. How much time will the web designer be able to devote to your site?

Some web designers are much busier than others. Therefore, hiring a really talented web designer might also mean that the person has many other clients. This means you will need to wait for potentially months for your site to be completed. You might want to hire a web designer who is in less demand. This person can devote all of his or her energy into getting your site up and running as soon as possible.


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