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Facts About Wood Utility Poles

Wood utility poles are available in a wide range of sizes to meet a variety of needs. The length and circumference will play an important role in how and where the utility pole will be used. Of course, other factors, such as the wood used in making the pole as well as how it is treated will also be important factors that should be considered. Reputable wood utility pole suppliers will have the poles you need for your specific application.

Quality Wood Poles

The best way to ensure you get quality wood utility poles is to make sure you work with a reputable company such as, Brown Wood Preserving Co. A company that takes pride in providing quality poles will make sure that every step of the process is done to the highest standards.

A quality wood pole starts with quality lumber. Additionally, it's important to choose a company that sources their timber in an environmentally friendly manner. Timber from timberland that is specifically grown for harvesting as well as a company that is committed to reforestation techniques will help ensure this renewable resource is preserved for future generations.

Penta Treated Poles

The most common utility pole is the wood pole that is treated with pentachlorophenol or penta as it is generally known. Penta is used to treat the wood to protect it from insects, such as termites and powder post beetles as well as fungi. This treatment can provide a pole that will last up to 20 times longer than normal.

CCA Treated Poles

CCA poles are treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) which helps protect the wood from termites and other pests. This type of treated pole has a number of benefits. For example, CCA offers low conductivity as well as low corrosivity. Additionally, because the preservative is applied with a water solution that absorbs into the wood, the poles remain clean, so they're easier for crews to handle.

CCA-ET Treated Poles

Another treatment option for wood utility poles is an emulsion treatment following the application of CCA. These poles have the benefits of a CCA treated pole with the advantages of treatment with an oil additive that serves as a lubricant. This helps ensure that the pole can be climbed without worrying about affecting the CCA treatment.

With a wide variety of poles as well as several treatment options, you can be sure that there is a quality wood utility pole that will meet your specific needs.


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